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Hey there, welcome to the Bulletin. I'm guessing you're here for some perspective on what we're all about or the context of our work.


The Baulko Bulletin has long been present in the school, yet never an integrated part of the Baulko community and yet despite the excellent work has been done in the past but we're not looking there for the future of our small, print-only magazine/newsletter/newspaper/whatever. Our work at the Bulletin is something new, something that Baulkham Hills High has not yet experienced in its long and prestigious life. 

The world is always changing and the new cultures, societies, politics, outlooks and people that are made in this chaotic existence need new writers, journalists and thinkers to tell its story. We are the next generation of writers in Baulkham Hills and we'd be honoured for you to come along the ride with us.

The Bulletin is like a phoenix, a paper phoenix that has just begun its process of rebirth. Its feather pages are burnt in the winds of time, gone but never forgotten to make way for a fresher coat of plumage. In its place come new pages, bright and iridescent with knowledge, humour and insight, forged in the flames of passionate writers.

Here at the Baulko Bulletin, we are the passionate writers and we make the flames that tell the world's story.


Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.

C. S. Lewis



NB: A self portrait is currently lacking. She is the behind-the-scenes administrative madman. Our current Editor-in-Chief, occasionally you will see a nonsensical composition of self musings by her in the Bulletin.



is the Bulletin's current layout editor until he is removed for incompetence, indiscretion and incontinence. When he's not pretending to know what's happening, he enjoys ruminating on the uncertainties of life. Five out of seven would recommend to a friend.



The Bulletin's resident pop culture specialist (nerd), this devilishly handsome individual is guaranteed to briefly get into whatever you're getting into to make him seem more interesting than he actually is.



Reflecting the Bulletin's new racial diversity quota, this self professed grouch will wear you down with complexity and cynicism whilst propagating the often forgotten perspective of the straight white male.



Also known as the “Olive Orange”, Michael is a writer that shows unparalleled pride for his school. With a highly natural but fierce style of writing, Michael's columns tend to be pro-Baulko and are intended to stimulate school pride.



A passionate advocate, this imaginative arts-and-crafts fanatic helps the Bulletin with the aesthetics and visual components. If any clubs wish to advertise, she is the go-to person for your requests, so don't hesitate to reach out!



An avid reader of the Bulletin since year 7, Leo is more than happy to be part of the team. Perhaps a tad bit melodramatic sometimes, he is excited to showcase a...different perspective in his opinion pieces. Slightly addicted to Facebook, he is the Bulletin's social media manager and runs its Facebook page.



Has developed an appreciation of architecture and an insatiable curiosity concerning biology. She is also often disappointed by the lack of free food at events and will share her opinions on these matters to barter her way into your circle of friends.

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Designed by Michelle Lam

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