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Editor's Notes



There is a saying that arose out of the USSR, concerning its two premier newspapers, Izvestiya (News) and Pravda (Truth): In Pravda, there is no truth, and in Izvestiya, there is no news.


And so it is with the Baulko Bulletin, the preeminent independent news organisation within Baulkham Hills High School – but not in the way one might imagine. Its providence is unclear, lost to the miasma of history just beyond recent memory, but not quite within the domain of posterity. Its contributors and staff do not disseminate news – at least, not in the typical, syndicated fashion - and nor do they proffer a political or moral agenda of any sort.


The views expounded by the myriad array of colourful characters that write for the Bulletin do so on their own initiative, and offer to readers their views and theirs alone. As a result, articles in this publication are often contradictory, can be serious and sardonic, are comic and tragic and above all, are always interesting. The articles within hold no truth; nevertheless, it would not be disingenuous to say that there are truths apparent.


The Bulletin represents the voice of the best that the school student body has to offer, from junior to senior years; mercurial, intelligent, inspired and more often than not, obdurate. From the youthful radicals to the perspicacious liberals and very occasionally the embittered conservative, the Bulletin revels in its eclecticism.


As a student led initiative at its inception and to the present, it assumes a quite peculiar kind of cultural mantle, as it preserves and shapes the legacy of an entire collective – one hesitate to employ the term “generation” - suspended in the printed word, but not necessarily suspended in time. It is indubitably an artifact; and a valuable one at that, tapering the literary and artistic acumen of the humble youth through the medium of print media. If for no other reason than that, the Baulko Bulletin is worthwhile reading – and if worth reading, perhaps worth contributing to.

Chan Rhee, Editor-in-Chief 11/5/16



My most sincere welcomes to you, dear reader. This is the Baulko Bulletin, our school's resident newspaper of sorts.  The Bulletin has been ensconced into the fertile soils of Baulko's extracurricular garden for many years, constantly flourishing, growing and changing. And so, the Bulletin thus changes again, it has survived yet another year but as the season of renewal approaches, the old has been shed, the baton has been passed, and new buds have fruited. We will forever be grateful of the work of our predecessors - what they have achieved with the Bulletin, establishing firm roots in which we will now blossom.


The Bulletin looks forwards to a bright future, envisioning integration within the student body and the school community. We look to achieve a broader demographic, a more actively participating audience and most of all to publish quality issues addressing a wide variety of topics that will be sure to entertain and ensnare the interests you, our dear readers! One of the ways we aim to do this is to open up article and composition submissions to anyone within Baulko, whether as a casual writer, or as a columnist, anonymously or publicly noted; anything and everything, anyone and everyone is accepted and welcomed. So, I beseech you to come and join our merry band of slightly insane but nevertheless insanely delightful misfits. : ) 


Samantha Sun, Editor-in-Chief 11/10/16

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